Monday, June 9, 2008

Air Conditioning Causes Obesity

News Flash: Air Conditioning is the newly determined cause of Obesity! Now, understand this is my personal opinion and has not been (officially) endorsed by the AMA but I am convinced it is only because they don't know about my blog! Let me explain. Living in the deep south, outside rising temperatures during the spring, summer, fall and sometimes winter can present a problem. Since air conditioning is a (learned) necessity, we tend to hole up in the house to avoid the heat. If we go shopping, we drive in our air conditioned vehicles until we find a parking place close to the air-conditioned mall. We do as little as possible, citing the heat as a legitimate reason. It is a confirmed fact that sunlight exposure releases seratonin which, among other benefits, helps you maintain an adequate energy level. Since we tend to avoid the sunlight, does it not follow that our energy level plummets and the remaining energy we possess is diverted to food gathering. This in turn fills our tummies but leaves no energy for exercising. Voila! Weight gain, more weight gain, less exercise, more weight gain, no exercise, obesity! There we have it! I rest my case. Save the applause. Thank you.

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